Isaiah 4

1In that day, 7 women will find one man and they will hold him. They will say, ‘We will eat our own bread and we will wear our own clothes. But, let us call ourselves by your name. Take away our shame.’

Good news

2In that day, the Branch of the LORD will be something pretty and something that has glory. And the fruit of the land will be like something proud and something beautiful. It will be for the few people who are still alive in Israel. 3Everyone who remains in Zion will be called holy. Also, everyone who stays in Jerusalem will be called holy. All their names will be on a list of people who are alive in Jerusalem. 4That will happen when the Lord will wash away the dirt from the Daughters of Zion. Also, then he will make Jerusalem clean from the marks that blood left. He will do that by a spirit that will be a judge and by a spirit of fire. 5The LORD will make that over all the mountain called Zion. And it will be over all the people who come together there. He will make a lot of smoke over them during the day. And he will make a fire, which shines in the night. The glory will be like a coat over everything. 6It will be a place to hide from the heat in the day. And it will be a place to hide from storms and from rain.

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